Message From the General Secretary during World’s Aids Day – 1st Dec. 2013


Message From the  General Secretary during  World’s Aids Day-  1st Dec. 2013

Receive warm calvary   greetings from the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK).   I am delighted to join you in marking this year’s World’s Aids Day, under the theme ‘Getting to Zero-Zero New HIV Infections, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS Related Deaths’ . The significance of this occasion cannot be gainsaid given the fact that the Scourge remains a threat to mankind in contemporary society. This is a day for public and private partners to spread awareness on the status of the pandemic and champion progress in prevention, treatment and care for  the infected. This occasion comes at a time when Kenya has reported great strides in tackling the spread of HIV and AIDS. Currently, it is estimated that HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in the country stands at 5.6 of Kenya’s population. This can only imply that we still have a lot to do as far as HIV and AIDS is concerned.  I reckon that stigmatization of the infected remains the greatest concern to many Kenyans today.  This in essence, continues to undermine efforts being made in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the country.  In this regard, I wish to state that it is time for religious leaders to take the frontline and actively participate in this worthy course. We can no longer afford to be fence sitters on this matter.  Recognizing that there is no comprehensive approach to a complex issue like HIV and AIDS, I observe that faith communities have the interest, motivation , moral authority  and framework to make an impact in stopping new HIV infections.

While this event provides an opportunity especially for county governments to play their rightful role in national HIV response, I urge you to;

  • Catalyze efforts towards HIV testing as to prevention, care and treatment among members of our communities.
  • Identify and recognize champions among the faith communities and engage them in working towards zero new HIV infections.
  • Work in partnership with other stakeholders including people lining with HIV to eliminate Mother to Child transmission of HIV by 2015
  • Adopt a SAVE message as comprehensive, integrated faith and evidence based non-stigmatizing approach in our HIV response.
  • Strengthen the mainstreaming of HIV responses within our existing systems and enhance advocacy for local financing of HIV programmes at national and county level.

In conclusion, I implore you to endeavour to influence societal and structural factors that may impede an individual’s capacity to prevent HIV infection.  As we come to the end of the year, I take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year of 2014.

God bless you All.


Rev. Canon Peter Karanja


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