Muchena Nathan

NAME:                    Muchena Nathan   

CONSTITUENCY:     Tigania West

DATE:                    12th November, 2013



(a)   The group before we join hands with the NCCK we were not active more so on conducting meetings but after we started the NCCK activities we have been very active as well as we have been so co-operative in terms of group affairs coz we make sure we meet at least once per month in which the small project that we have started is not a challenge nowadays.


(b)   The NCCK provided us with facilitation to conduct outreaches in which we were able to reach youths outside and also we benefited from this by recruiting new members and also it was like advitising our group since more people now know about our group.


(c)   Interms of benefits I personally have gained a lot and I have grown morally upright. Also interms of behavior I have changed a lot since I don’t take things the way I used to take them or view things more so things partining HIV/AIDs.


(d)   Before I couldn’t get courage to go to a shop and buy condom for protection but now I can buy or even ask it from a shop without any fear or a problem.


(e)   I have encouraged the teenagers to abstain others to use condoms for protection and also I have encouraged them about testing.


(f)     The best thing is by frequent meeting so as the things we have learnt will not evaporate.


(g)   I take this opportunity to thank the Upper Eastern Region and also the entire NCCK office for the support to youths in this region/county and I would like to encourage them to continue serving the people for a good service to people is a service to God. The NCCK has been very helpful and I hope that the project will continue.

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