David Murithi
NAME: David Murithi
DATE: 12th November, 2013
(a) Before intervention of NCCK HIV project the group was not doing any HIV/AID education to the youths and community.
(b) The NCCK supported our group through educating facilitator and also supported as though funds to enable the group for refreshment.
(c) The HIV/AIDs education as changed the youth behaviors because many youth are known how to obstain and we have enpowered youth on to invest and depend on themselves
(d) Before intervention of NCCK the group was not able to network with other groups around the constituency and the group was not able to educate other youths.
(e) Our group as educated many youth to go out and educate other youth on different issues such as HIV/AIDs and drug abuse.
(f) The group as planed to invest in a business to generate funds to be using in educating many youth though sponsoring sport and holding many seminars within our country.
(g) The NCCK has done a recommendable job in our group because it has opened our eyes as a group.