Ensure Security for All Press Statement
The Regional Conference of the NCCK North Rift Region is meeting here at RCEA Guest House, Eldoret, 19th – 21st May 2015 under the theme Shinning the Light of Christ (Matthew 5: 14 – 16). The Regional Conference is the supreme governance organ in the region and meets once every three years. More than one hundred delegates from the Member Churches of the NCCK are participating in this Conference.
During this Conference, we are considering matters of concern to the counties under our region, which are Uasin Gishu, Nandi, Trans Nzoia, West Pokot, Elgeyo Marakwet and Turkana. We drew lessons from a study of 2 Chronicles 15: 1 – 10, and especially took note of verses 5 – 7:
“In those days it was not safe to travel about, for all the inhabitants of the lands were in great turmoil. One nation was being crushed by another and one city by another, because God was troubling them with every kind of distress. But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”
We are troubled that this is the state our region has found itself in, and therefore wish to share the following message with the residents of North Rift and the entire nation of Kenya:
1. Provide Security for All
Over the decades, the residents in our counties have experienced great and increasing levels of insecurity. However, this situation has worsened in the last few months with dozens of people being killed in clashes between Pokot and Turkana communities. We are perturbed that the government machinery, which stretches from the capital city to the remotest village, is creating the impression that it is incapable of ensuring security of all the residents in this region. This is a breach of the constitution which specifically states that it is the right of every Kenyan to live in freedom and security.
This Regional Conference urges His Excellency the President to reorganize the security machinery in this region to ensure that the officers provide adequate security to all persons and equitable service to all communities. Further, the security agencies should investigate and prosecute every person who incites people to attack and kill others. This prosecution should especially extend to politicians who are known to have incited people into violence. In addition, the government should facilitate provision of education by ensuring security in all schools and facilitating construction of more schools so that all children in the region are given vital life skills.
On its part, we challenge the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) to stop failing in its mandate and instead ensure that all those inciting people to violence are charged for hate speech.
On our part, we have committed to facilitate inter-ethnic dialogue aimed at integrating all the affected communities and to promote peaceful coexistence. We will also work to organize joint activities to promote cohesion between the communities.
2. Eradicate Corruption
This Regional Conference celebrates the devolution of power and resources as defined in the Constitution of Kenya 2010, but is saddened that corruption also got devolved to our counties. We are therefore witnessing increasing cases of tribalism, nepotism and open corruption. It is a sad state that corruption has percolated every sector of our society.
After keenly considering this matter, we call upon the Governors to join the President in intensifying the war against corruption by ensuring that every person against whom there is evidence of corruption is severely punished. The provisions in the Constitution of Kenya that touch on national values and integrity must be implemented without any further delay, and every individual must be made to carry his or her own cross for the crimes they commit.
Further, this Regional Conference notes that the persistent use of courts to delay delivery of justice due to corrupt individuals by dragging cases for years must come to an end, keeping in mind what the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 8: 11 – “When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong”.
3. Facilitate National Cohesion
In the past years, our region has been intensively affected by ethnic and political violence. This Regional Conference therefore strongly commends the residents of this region for the peace they maintained before, during and after the elections held in March 2013. We are however concerned that efforts to facilitate true healing and reconciliation have waned. The underlying causes of the past conflicts have not been addressed. We call upon the National Cohesion and Integration Commission to undertake its mandate and facilitate inter and intra ethnic dialogue leading to cohesion among the communities.
On its part, the NCCK will continue to implement The Pamoja Initiative through which we bring communities together for dialogue and healing of historical injustices.
4. Address Terrorism Adequately
This Regional Conference expresses concern that our country has experienced incessant terrorist attacks which are aimed at killing Christians and Christian ministers. The worst case was last month when more than a hundred students at Garissa University College were brutally massacred. That particular attack revealed that there are community, political and religious leaders in this country who not only support but also finance terrorism. We urge His Excellency the President to take courageous and radical measures against these leaders so as to secure the nation.
On their part, we urge the Governors of our counties to work closely with the national government to ensure that people can live in security and safety in their localities.
5. Reverse the Grabbing of Church Schools
This Regional Conference is greatly shocked at the blatant grabbing of church schools by the government through the Basic Education Act 2013. It is very worrying that the government has embarked on a process of declaring church sponsored schools as public institutions and issuing Title Deeds to the education boards. This is blatant robbery since it is the churches that established and run the schools. We call upon the national government to reverse this process and facilitate a review of the Basic Education Act so as to restore the schools to the rightful owners.
Further, we challenge the recent calls for scraping of religious education from the school curriculum. We are convinced that the religious education should actually be expanded so as to inculcate values in the learners as a remedy to the social problems we are currently experiencing.
6. Protect Marriage and Family Life
This Regional Conference rejects and condemns in the strongest manner possible the ruling by the High Court that Gay and Lesbian organisations can be registered. This blanket legalization of unnatural, immoral and sinful behavior is what we warned would happen when we asked Kenyans to first amend the Constitution before passing it in the referendum in 2010. We assure the Kenya Christians Professionals Forum and the Attorney General of our prayers and support as they appeal the ruling seeking to reverse it so as to safeguard our marriages and family life.
Further, we call upon the Attorney General to reverse the regulations developed in light of the Marriage Act 2014 which have made conducting weddings a very expensive and tedious affair. Establishing marriage should be made as easy as possible, not more difficult.
7. Food Security
Over the years, a huge population in our region has suffered from severe food shortages. They languish in malnutrition and depend on relief food year in year out. This Regional Conference is perturbed that this situation continues one and a half years after devolution came into effect.
We challenge all the governors of our counties to recognize that they have the mandate to ensure food security of all the people. Governors must recognize that as per Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, Agriculture was devolved and it is their mandate to ensure food security of all. Of importance is that the county governments have a responsibility to provide agricultural extension services so as to educate the people on better farming methods, better animal husbandry, and effective irrigation systems.
As we conclude, we wish to remind all that the denial of the freedom and security to the residents of North Rift region is an affront on the constitution of Kenya and an insult to all Kenyans. We must all stand up to demand that every Kenyan is allowed to enjoy their constitutional rights and especially the right to life. Let us all work to ensure that the words of our National Anthem are fulfilled:
O God of all Creation
Bless this our land and nation
Justice be our shield and defender
May we dwell in unity
Peace and liberty
Plenty be found within our borders
Signed on this 20th day of May 2015 at RCEA Guest House, Eldoret
Reverend Alfred Sagala
Regional Chairman, NCCK North Rift Region