George Njuguna

NAME:                      George Njuguna

CONSTITUENCY:         Gilgil

DATE:                       18th November, 2013


Really NCCK had helped a lot, the beneficiaries have benefited through monthly and outreaches through free HIV& AIDs facilitations for two years.  The beneficiaries had nowhere to acquire such information.


The NCCK interviewed through providing the groups with file, Minutes book, reporting tools and facilitation funds on reimbursement.  Actually the beneficiaries lives have changed through:-

–          Having cohesiveness of group members

–          Proper use of condoms which was seen as outcast and their availability  

–          There has been brought out a culture of acceptance  quick status

–          HIV and AIDS has now become a topic of the day as opposed to the past where it was not discussed at all.

The beneficiaries indeed have and are helping to spread the information on HIV and AIDs and also condom collection point at Karanga Youth Resource Centre.  Also they are encouraging one to knowing her HIV status.


Plans for the future are:-

(i)                  To have an equipped VCT centre

(ii)                To campaign for a free HIV and AIDs free society

(iii)               To reduce HIV/AIDs infected people stigmization with 0%

(iv)              Campaign for closer ARV accessibility to avoid higher cost on their availability

(v)               To stop other new infections though the facilitation on HIV&AIDS campaign


The information that I can share with NCCK is that we as youth group have acquired more from you.  That is through proper documentation, accountability, capacity building and wider network across Nakuru County.  We wish to extend our gratitude to you as an organization.  We are ready to work with you any time.  Thank you.

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