SMEP Microfinance Bank


SMEP Microfinance Bank Limited is a public limited company incorporate under the Companies Act (Cap 486) and licensed under the Microfinance Act (Cap 493D) to offer group banking, retail banking, asset financing, microfinance and related services. Their registered office is at Kirichwa Road off Argwings Kodhek Road, P.O. Box 64063– 00620, Nairobi. 

The National council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) is the majority shareholder in SMEP Microfinance Bank Limited.

The Bank runs one subsidiary company, the SMEP Insurance Agency.




Our purpose for existence has been and continues to be liberating the unbanked from financial bondage and the cycle of poverty.

SMEP, fulfilling your dreams


To be a model Christian provider of financial solutions that transform the lives of the poor in Kenya and beyond.



To improve the quality of life of our clients through provision of competitive market driven solutions.


SMEP Core Values

  • Innovation
  • Uphold Christian values
  • Flexibility
  • Professionalism
  • Accountability


SMEP cradle

“We at SMEP believe you hold the key to your future. With our innovative, yet simple financial solutions that make your life that much simpler giving you a peace of mind and make your financial dream come true.”



Our Journey Since 1975

The journey of SMEP MICOFINANCE BANK spanning nearly four decades has been a remarkable one. The noble idea of starting a micro-finance was born in 1975 when the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) embarked on a project to feed the children of commercial sex workers in Mathare Valley, Nairobi. Their children were acutely malnourished and the need for an intervention to salvage the health of these young ones was necessary. As with any donor funded programme, the need for sustainability emerged as it was clear that the nutritional support was turning the families into dependents. As a famous philosopher wisely said, “Give a bowl of rice to a man and you will feed him for a day. Teach him how to grow his own rice and you will save his life.” The project was redesigned and focused on giving small loans to the mothers (commercial sex workers) which they invested in small-scale businesses.

Following the success of this project, NCCK registered the company SMEP (Small and Micro-Enterprise Programme) in 1999 to undertake this work in a more targeted and strategic manner. SMEP became a public deposit taking microfinance institution in 2010 and in 2013 SMEP DTM changed its name to SMEP Microfinance Bank as per the Microfinance Amendment Act 2013.


Our Journey at a Glance

1975:   Started out a relief arm of the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK)

1999:   Evolved into Finance Credit Company. Licensed as a company limited by guarantee under the name Small and Micro Enterprise Programme (SMEP)

2008: Rebranded to SMEP and dropped the long name

2010: The third microfinance institution (MFI) in Kenya to be awarded a nationwide Deposit Taking Microfinance by Central Bank of Kenya

2011: Launched the SMEP mobile banking system. SMEP customers can currently withdraw; check balances, transfer funds, get mini statement using their cell phones

2012: The first MFI in Africa and second in the world to launch a Visa debit card to its customers. SMEP customers can now shop, fuel and obtain cash at any visa enabled ATM

2012: The first MFI in Kenya to obtain a nod by Capital Markets Authority to raise capital through private placement offer to enable SMEP Microfinance Bank Limited  comply with the terms of licensing by CBK in respect to the cap of 25% single shareholder rule.

2013: SMEP DTM changes name to SMEP Microfinance Bank as per The Microfinance Amendment Act 2013 (“deposit taking microfinance business” means microfinance bank business)


Our pride
We are the financial intermediary, providing superior technology driven savings facilities as well as affordable loans of all sizes for all kinds of needs, from working capital to church development loans, agribusiness financing, asset financing and even WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene) loans


The future

Empowering the community to ensure we all fulfill our potential together and realize our dreams

We believe in smart simple day to day solutions that guarantee you a peace of mind and make your dream come true

Innovative client solutions that ensure you achieve your true potential in life.

Conducive working environment that promotes creativity, self expression and personal development

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