Tharimbu Zachary Thuranira

NAME:                    Tharimbu Zachary Thuranira

CONSTITUENCY:     Tigania West (Kitheo)

DATE:                    12th November, 2013



a)     The group had suffered various setbacks leadership problems, financial crisis and lack of focus since its formation 2006. The group came to work with NCCK from 2012 which was an idea of one member and since then, members rose from their sleep and are now vibrant. The rising came as a result of elution of new leaders since the NCCK could not collaborate with failures


b)     The NCCK chipped in and came to help us renew our leadership. The kind of support that we got was first training on HIV/AIDs and then shape us and support our group to go and educate other youths on the same issue. By this we have been greatly supported and so far, the contributions have helped us improve the morality of our youths and this is a testimony of the fact that through our talks, many school drop outs have resumed studies and cases of dropping out of schools have greatly decreased. NCCK also helped us restructure our form of leadership helped improve our constitution and legislation of the group and through various forums that they have organized we were in a position to interact with other people and learn new ideas for ourselves.


c)      To begin with, the cradle group members have completely changed their way of living, now cautious on HIV/AIDs pandemic and for sure through education forums that have been organized for us by NCCK many have managed to sail through various waves. It also helped us gain financial discipline and think of many avenues to generate income for our self help and also benefit of the whole community through our projects.


d)     In comparison to the discipline before intervention of NCCK, the regular meetings are now murdertory to all members and in case a member fails two consecutive meetings, without communication / any excuse through one of the officials, he/she is suspended from the group and during sharing of the benefit, he/she losses 5% of the benefits to the group.


Before the intervention of NCCK, management of funds was a problem but to date, they’ve helped us come up a well defined structure on how to generate, use and account for any finances of the association.

The NCCK bore nartured and developed a seed of leadership in our group. This is because almost all members of our group can now teach other people on various issues of life HIV/AIDs included.


e)     From the NCCK support, we have been able to form other sub-groups (peer educators) through the outreaches that we’ve been going and each subgroup has a leader who gives report on monthly basis to the big group (Kamoroo). These peer educators educate others on HIV/AIDs and come up with projects for financial growth. We support and develop them.


f)        The group aims at greatly engaging in business and become a mirco-finance for lending and saving with a national scope.


g)     Out of the much that we have seen in collaboration with the NCCK, I would request that this support continues and the global funds comes back because they will build more and more groups and for sure NCCK will leave your motto “FOR PEOPLE”


Thank you.

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